29 Aug 2012

The Grey Spot...

Good day dear friends, trust y'all are doing good?  Today, I'll like us to ponder on a few things that we usually take for granted but are really important...

- Have you ever wondered why your gate man who by the way is quite young (mid 30s) decided  to take up such a job and probably not something else? How he is able to feed his 2 kids, wife and pay his rent from his salary?       
* The next time you are about to complain about how your husband isn't taking care of you because he didn't let you go shopping in Dubai or how your N200,000 salary can't take care of you, wife and one toddler, remember it could have been worse! Count your many blessings....

- Do you remember the day you shouted at your driver because he showed up late for work looking disheveled only to find out later that his child fell ill that morning and he had to rush him to the hospital and still come to take you to work? Think before you act...
* As humans, we all have our own issues. So before we judge, let's take a minute to figure out what the possible options are. When in doubt, listen before you speak...

- Your house help mistakenly breaks a plate whilst washing it, you beat her up  and send her to bed without food; Only for you to find out the next day that when the plate broke, she had a deep cut on her hands and lost a lot of blood. So what's more important, a life or an object? Admonish with understanding...
* It's amazing how quickly we forget that everything we have was given to us. How no condition is permanent and how we are all someone's' child. No human being is better than the other in God's eyes. He loves us all equally

All I'm trying to say is that we all have a story, things are not always what they seem. Life isn't just black or white, there's always a grey spot. That spot everyone tends to ignore but matters a lot. I have learnt a lot happens in the "grey spot" so I have decided to move on with life paying more attention to the things not said, the reason behind the action, the thought behind the gift, the truth behind the lie, the words behind the silence, the tears behind the smile, the life within the grey spot.

I know it's easier said than done but let's make a conscious effort to treat ourselves with respect knowing that every one has a story but not everyone is willing to tell that story. The grass isn't greener on the other side and no problem is bigger than the other. It is our ability or non-ability to handle these problems that determine the level of difficulty. We are all made in HIS likeness and image, so we may look different on the outside but on the inside, we are all the same to HIM.

So before you act, react and speak, remember things aren't always what they seem. Pay attention to the "GREY SPOT"

Stay Strong

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