5 Dec 2012


I lied when I said you were the best thing that happened to me, you are better than the best

I lied when I told you I loved to cook; I actually love the expression of satisfaction on your face after you’ve had a delicious meal prepared by me

I lied when I said my heart skips a beat anytime I see you, my heart literally stops for a second. That’s how ‘breathtaking’ I find you

I lied when I said you mean the world to me, you are my world

I lied when I said I loved football, I just don’t mind anything that makes you happy

I lied when I said it’s hard to stay apart from you, the truth is a part of me dies when you leave

I lied when I said I was happy with you, truth is that you are my happiness

I lied when I said I couldn’t get my mind off you, truth is I didn’t want to

I lied when I said I thought about you today, truth is you’ve always been in my thoughts

I lied when I said I loved you, what I feel can’t be love. What I feel engulfs me; it takes over my senses, every other thing pales in comparison to what I feel for you. I have come to the conclusion that it isn’t love. What I feel for you transcends any human understanding; it is much more than love. It is a feeling that cannot be defined and that is why there’s no adequate word to describe it

I lied to you, because there was no better way to express how I feel…

Stay Strong!

6 Nov 2012


That nagging feeling of drought and emptiness, that feeling that has clung to me for several days now, and it doesn’t seem like it has any plan of letting go

I open my mouth to speak but my eyes have a better way of expressing how I feel. Warm tears’ flowing down my cheeks as a river overflows its banks

I try to make sense of what is happening to me, I try to understand why the sudden despair and then I remember that it had always been there, bottled up so that no one could see

I almost fooled myself believing I had gone past the hurt. That the pain had become bearable, that I understood the delay and was very okay with it

However, my heart had taken more than its fair share. It could no longer bear the pain it felt

I decided to look to my Creator for answers; I called but didn’t get any response. I sent letters but no replies. I waited but never got a visit, and then I began to panic

I have never lived my life alone. How do I cope without His re-assurance? What sense did it make to keep hoping and praying when there was no response?

Just as I was about to let the pain completely engulf me… I heard the voice, almost inaudible but I heard it! I could not be mistaken; it was unlike anything I’ve ever heard. It wasn’t only about the words that were spoken but the way they were spoken…

The tears dried up immediately, my heart became whole, my lips parted and for the first time in a long while; I could speak! I could express myself!!!

I ranted on how much I needed HIM, how I was in so much pain but HE abandoned me. How lonely I felt and how I was about losing it…

HE let me talk to my hearts’ content and when I was done HE repeated the same words I heard earlier, “BE STILL”

There and then I knew I got it all wrong in the beginning….

HE was there all along, working things out for my good. Perhaps not as fast as I wanted, probably not exactly how I wanted but exactly how I needed it. Just PERFECT as always…

So yet again the tears flowed, but this time with a smile on my face. Tears of gratitude to the ONE who is ALWAYS about my business

To the ONE who requires one thing of me…. “BE STILL”

  Stay Strong!

29 Oct 2012


In the land of Stupidity, the Smart person is seen as weird…

I believe because of the aforementioned sentence, someone once advised that “if you can’t beat them, you join them”…

However in this case, I refuse to join “them”…

Call me whatever you like but I’m smart enough to recognize Stupidity from a mile away

Not because I’m the smartest person on earth but my ‘one too many’ clashes with Stupidity has given me serious allergies to this epidemic

Lately I have been wondering how this came upon us and why most of us have decided to accept 'it' as the norm

Perhaps, trying to change things will make us unpopular and not in vogue

Perhaps, if it doesn’t affect us directly, then it isn’t our business

Perhaps, because many people have tried to correct the wrong in the past and failed, we believe it isn’t worth the try again

Perhaps, we may be wrong! If you refuse to accept Stupidity and try to change it, then it will no longer be the norm

I bet you are wondering what I call Stupidity?

Jungle and Mob justice is Stupidity…

Killing of innocent individuals for whatever cause is Stupidity…

Looting of public funds is Stupidity….

Being irresponsible in a position of responsibility is Stupidity…

Breaking laws to suit personal benefits is Stupidity….

Passing unfair judgment is Stupidity….

Corruption is Stupidity….

Heartlessness and Insensitivity to the plight of your fellow human being is Stupidity….

….and the height of Stupidity is not acknowledging that there is a God who has the ability to end our lives at anytime. A God, who should be reverenced, obeyed and can NEVER be mocked

So in this land of Stupidity, would you rather be with the majority or join the Smart minority and risk being called weird?

The choice is yours… Choose wisely because your decision can make or mar you!

Stay Strong!

18 Oct 2012


So I have watched with dismay as my Country degenerates to nothing short of a jungle with wild animals living within. The stories abound nowadays are enough to make any hard hearted person weep profusely

We were gradually getting over the gruesome murder of Cynthia before the ALUU 4 issue came up and just yesterday I heard over the radio of a woman that was stripped naked and humiliated because she was “suspected” of shoplifting. This has gone too far and needs to stop before we infect the next generation with such despicable acts of violence

I haven’t had the heart to watch the ALUU 4 video because the sound of it alone disgusts me and is too painful for me to comprehend. How did anyone think that wasting the lives of these youths was a bright idea? Who the hell are we to take life when we cannot guarantee our next breath not to talk of create a human being? The onlookers and perpetrators of that gruesome act are equally guilty. I am not even going to comment on those who recorded the whole scene… Burning human beings alive in the 21st century? Who does that? I seriously doubt that the lowest of animals will descend so low to carry out such an evil act and we call ourselves human beings? It is so painful to know that we were created in the image of God but through the act of “freewill”, we have become nothing like our Father. It’s a SHAME

Rather than watch these boys groan in pain, couldn’t the onlookers get the Police? Oh, I forgot, those ones can’t be trusted either. But that doesn’t justify jungle justice. It doesn’t give anyone the right to harm another human being. We pray like no other Country but our sins are World class. How can you expect things to go well for you, when you can’t love or respect your neighbor? Which part of “judge not so that ye shall not be judged” do we not understand? Or “remove the log in your eyes before removing the speck in your neighbors’ eyes”?

As much as we love to blame our leaders for all the problems we face in this country, I dare say that the bulk of the problem lies with us. It must be really hard to lead a bunch of dimwits that are not fit to be called human beings. I am beyond upset because whilst a few people are trying hard to move the country forward, we still have a large majority that is not only satisfied with mediocrity but would rather we return to the Stone Age. Kilode? O gini?

I cannot change my Nationality and I’m not about to deny my Country but I won’t sit back and act as though all is well with us. It is not! The sooner we realize this, the better for us. We think our problem is lack of steady power supply, bad roads, unemployment, bad leadership…. But we are the real problem. Can’t we follow the simple rule of, “don’t do to others, what we won’t want done to us”. If that’s too hard to do, then just remember that NO ONE has the right to mistreat another human being not to talk of taking his life

We are not animals! We are all made in the image and likeness of God which means there’s a piece of Him in all of us. If you catch a thief, murderer, rapist…etc, as much as he deserves punishment, allow that to be done by the appropriate authorities. Yes we may not trust them but let’s play our part and leave them to the hands of their creator

My children will not be brought in an animalistic society with no regards for human life. It is time for us to turn from our evil ways. This is everyone’s’ problem and needs to be tackled before it becomes an epidemic. We are not animals! We have a heart, we have brains; it won’t hurt for us to use them once in a while!

My sincere condolences to the friends and family of the ALUU 4 victims. It didn’t have to happen, it could have been avoided but the Lord knows best.

I weep for my Country as I see the misplaced priorities and unutilized chances. Our potentials are great but it takes a right thinking Citizenry to exploit them.

Stay Strong!

3 Oct 2012


So I turned 52 years old a couple of days back and I am reminded once more of how old I have become,

I have had many suitors, even married a few of them but it just doesn’t feel like I have found the ‘one’

I know I have come a long way and even though I am not where I ought to be, I am not where I used to be. I am now a mother, grandmother and even a great grandmother…

My many children are the result of my various relationships/marriages but I still love them equally

However, in recent times; my children have decided to fight against each other, claiming they are better than the other and this saddens me a lot

They have deviated from the very essence of unity, respect and loyalty I had taught them

Whilst I may have made many promises that I am yet to fulfill, I still love my children very much

The trauma of moving from one bad relationship to the other is enough to make anyone confused

My past husbands have had good intentions but good intentions are just not enough to make me or my children happy. We need much more…

When I look at my counterparts, I realize that at 52; I still have a long way to go. However I cannot do this without the help of my children

The change we need isn’t going to come from outside, WE are to effect the change we desire. We need to stop playing the ‘blame game’ and looking for ‘scape goats’

I don’t know it all and I can’t do it on my own, I need YOU

We may not have achieved all that we have set out to do in the past 52 years but if we are to be honest with ourselves, we have also experienced some positive changes

I am proud that I have very clever, hardworking children and if guided aright, can bring the ‘light’ that we so earnestly desire

We must realize that it requires dedication, steadfastness and hard work from us all

I am 52 and still searching…. But until I find the right “one” to lead us all right, please help me start the change that we all desire. We can only get ‘it’ done together.

I am proud of my children, I am proud of my history, I am proud of roots, I am proudly NAIJA! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!!! :)

Stay Strong!

24 Sept 2012

When we love...

So I set out today not knowing what I was going to write. This wasn’t because I didn’t know what to write, I just had too much on my mind…

Humans are very complex and every pain or hurt we experience today is of our own making. We were created in the likeness of a peaceful and loving God, I wonder how we became this wicked. The Lord gave us power and dominion to rule over things on earth but what did we do? We used our powers to become slaves to the things on earth. The Lord gave us free will to discern good from evil but we used the freewill to create mayhem in our world. We were created superior than the beasts in the field but today, some of us act worse than those beasts. Look at what has become of our world today; no day goes by without hearing of some murder, crime, rape, robbery… We have become a shadow of ourselves without even knowing it

I still marvel at how a person can take the life of another so easily. How can one who isn’t guaranteed the next breath, think it wise to cut short the life of another? Absurd! Strange! Sad! If you have no power to give life, why on earth do you think it wise to take another? People are dying every day like chickens and at this rate, I wonder why the Lord hasn’t wiped us all out in anger because you see, HE has the power to do so. He doesn’t have to explain it to us, take our permission or apologize for it. HE created us and HE can very well end HIS creation but He hasn’t. That got me thinking….

Just the other day I was listening to a song on the radio and the lyrics went something like this; “…HE sent HIS only Son to die for us, HE didn’t have to but HE did… HE could have sent a legion of angels in HIS place but HE chose to send HIS son…” Now that also got me thinking…. HE sees the end of a thing before it begins so surely HE knew that the human race was going to be a great disappointment but HE still sent HIS Son. You cannot explain such love and sacrifice and it makes me wonder; how on earth can anyone say there is no God? Or how can you say you serve this God of love, yet hate your fellow human being so badly?

I open the newspapers and all I read about is war, cyber crime, riots, babies abandoned in the refuse bin, people dying from hunger, corruption, looting of public funds, scams…etc. It all has to stop!!! When will we realize that at the end of the day, what will count is our contribution to the society/world? Are we going to leave the world a better place for our kids or not? We are answerable to a higher being and HIS plans for us are of peace and not of evil. Do we not know that love is a stronger weapon than hate? Do we not know that no one is better than the other and we are all equal in HIS eyes? Do we not know that no one is promised tomorrow? Do we not know that there is a piece of God in all of us?

My heart is very heavy from the things I see today and I am afraid that if care is not taken, things may get worse. It is even more painful when you see children roped into these evil acts that they have learnt from adults. We have deprived them of their innocence and forced them into early adulthood.

Let me make this clear, killing isn’t only physical. In fact, most of the damage done today is psychological. Most people walk around today with a broken heart, a scar, shattered dreams… all because some other person decided to play god.

It takes a lot of energy to hate but a lot less to love. When we love, we forgive. When we love, we help. When we love, we protect not destroy. When we love, we see ourselves in the other person. WHEN WE LOVE, WE TRULY LIVE!

Stay Strong!

18 Sept 2012


Hello friends, I apologize for the break in transmission. Several road trips and unstable internet connection resulted to no blogging :)

So back to today’s’ post, Just the other day, a very dear friend wanted to know what my hobbies where and my favorite things in the world. I thought to myself “well that’s really easy. I love to eat out occasionally at a nice cozy good restaurant. My love for pasta knows no bounds and a glass of very good red wine will just complete the meal :) As for my favorite things, I guess shoes and bags are it! Scratch that, I love shoes more!! :)))

You know that feeling when you walk into a shoe store and time stands still for you? When it seems like all the shoes are speaking to you, trying to get you to try them on? Well, that’s a wonderful feeling and I get that every time I walk into a shoe store. First off, I check out the ‘high heels section’. I am more of 6-8 inches, pencil heels lady. I’m not a big fan of “block heels” but love me some ‘wedges” occasionally. Great pair of shoes has a way of completing an otherwise frumpy look. It gives you that attitude, that confidence and not to mention elegance :)

Usually when I go window shopping, I try to avoid shoe stores but even when I walk by and struggle not to see them, they seem to call out my name. It’s really hard. Sometimes, I tell myself that it’s okay to just take a peek. After all, there’s no harm in day dreaming. However, the mistake I always make is that I try them on. Once I have them on my feet, it feels like my life will be incomplete if I left the store without them. So I came up with another game plan, never to go window shopping with my credit card.

Once, I saw a lovely pair of shoes online and decided to go get them from the store later on in the week. Long story short, I got to the store and left with 3 pairs of shoes instead of one. So I made a mental note, “I had better stick to online shopping”. Order and have it delivered to my doorstep.

My mother thinks it’s an obsession, I happen to believe it’s just a necessity. I look at every pair of shoes I have and can hardly imagine not having any one of them. Unfortunately my love of shoes also extends to guys. The first thing I notice in a guy at our first meeting are his pair of shoes. That singular act has in the past contributed to my decision of whether or not to have a second meeting with the guy. Some people may call me vain right now but truth be told, isn’t there something really sexy about a guy who has wonderful dress sense and lovely pair of shoes to go with it? Abi, you wan tell me say if your guy come take you out with all dem “boat shaped” Aba made shoes, u no go hide ya face? Abegi, make I hear word! Seriously though, as important shoes are, abeg they are not a recipe to wonderful relationships. If e dey affect you like me and you like the guy, gently nudge him to get better stylish shoes or kukuma buy them for him. All na investment! :)

Overtime, I have realized that the shoes don’t have to be overly expensive to look beautiful. Trust me; I have seen really ugly expensive shoes. I guess it’s all about your style, taste and how you combine them with your outfit. Some shoes give your legs that extra lift, some make them look smaller others are just made to give you that extra bounce in your steps. Whatever our style, they need to be clean, well kept and stylish.

So lately I’ve been pondering, if people say you need to study or work in the area that gives you great joy; FOR THE LOVE OF SHOES, can’t we have a course known as SHOEOLOGY? Which according to my dictionary will mean, “The study of shoes and the positive impact on the Human race”? :)

I know I could go into the sales of shoes but knowing me, I’ll just end up keeping all the shoes to myself. So the only option is to go for a course on shoes and later lecture others who are interested in this very important life changing subject. :)

Have a fantastic week!

Stay Strong!

3 Sept 2012


Hello dear friends, I trust y’all are doing okay. Today’s’ post was influenced by the age old “myth” that most young ladies have fallen for. This myth is so strong that it cuts across all races… Every young lady gets to that point when all she waits for is her “Prince Charming” to come for her in “shining armor riding on a white horse” :)

I have decided to “write a letter” to this “Prince Charming” to find out who he really is and why he tends to keep us ladies waiting. As we all know, it is not proper to keep a lady waiting…

Dear Prince Charming,

I trust you are doing well? I have heard so much about you and I really can’t wait to meet you. I hear you are “Tall, Dark and handsome”, you have a wonderful job, drive a really cool car and you live in the best neighborhood in town. I can imagine that you’ve been very busy touring the whole world, that’s why we haven’t met yet. I am told that you have a wonderful sense of humor and your smile lights up a room. I understand that you don’t drink or smoke, you are respectful, courteous, selfless…etc, not obsessed with football and you love shopping!

I really can’t wait to meet you. I have dreamt of you for a very long time, trying to imagine you “waltz” into my life and ‘sweep me off my feet”. However, I wonder what’s taking you so long? I have been waiting for you for a very long time now, so many other men have approached me but I didn’t even give them the time of the day. They were too short, too fat, too thin, not wealthy enough, addicted to football, not learned enough, no sense of humor …etc. They just weren’t good enough, they were not you. Now I’m getting older and my friends tell me that you may not show up anymore and even if you did, you may not like me because with age, my tummy isn’t as flat as it used to be, I have a few wrinkles here and there… However, I don’t think that’s my fault. If you had shown up earlier, at the time I was still very young, you probably won’t have seen these minor issues.

Anyway, I’m only writing to tell you to show up soonest. I have waited for you all my life and I’m beginning to fear that you won’t show up. It is really not nice to keep a lady waiting. We need to start our “picture perfect” family soonest and you know I can’t do that on my own, I need you. One more thing, can you please send me a reply? I’ll like to be sure that you got my letter.

Your Future Wife,

Me! :)

So after “Prince Charming” receives the letter, he decides to send a reply. …

Dear Future Wife,

I am very well, thank you. I trust you are too. I received your letter and based on your request, I decided to reply. What I’m about to write may be very painful to you but it’s the truth and I think it’s about time you know it.

I am afraid you have been fooled all your life. I am not all you expect me to be. If I were, that will make me perfect and I am far from it. I may not look like Denzel Washington or Will Smith but I love you from the depth of me. I love to watch football matches with friends but that doesn’t mean you are not the most important person in my life (of course after God and my mother). I could take you shopping anytime you want but I’ll have to make the money first. My priority is to get a good job, buy a car and rent a house in a nice clean neighborhood. We could start with a mini flat and with you by my side and your support; we will have our own house someday in the nearest future. I love you and with that, is respect and selflessness. However, please bear with me when I sometimes mistakenly hurt you. I am only human and I’ll make mistakes but always remember that I have made it my job to take care of you the best way I know how and when I stray, please understand and correct me in love. Unfortunately, all that is in the past now…

I am sorry you feel like I have kept you waiting for so long but that wasn’t my intention. I approached you 3 years ago but you didn’t even give me the opportunity to speak. That didn’t stop me because I kept running after you for 1 year but all you told me was that, I was too short, too fat, too poor and lacked the finesse you required from your man. On hearing all that and after fighting for you for about a year, with pain in my heart; I had to leave but I still thought about you for a very long time.

Right now, I am happily married with two kids. I own a consulting firm, live in the best neighborhood in town and I drive the best cars. I have become the fantasy you had with the help of another woman…my wife. It could have been you but you were not patient enough to wait for me.

It is still not too late for you to find your life partner. Now that you know that all you’ve believed is a myth, give the next reasonable man that shows up in your life a chance. The fairy tale doesn’t exist but the good thing is that you can make that “man” in your life your “Prince Charming”. Prince Charming can also be short, fat, and sweep you off your feet in a “danfo” bus. What matters is his heart and genuine affection for you. When that is in place, you are on your way to paradise.


“Prince Charming”

So my dear friends, I’m not saying you should compromise your stand or settle for less, all I’m saying is that sometimes “big things come in small packages”. Do not let your “Prince Charming” pass you by, all in your quest for fantasies. As for the guys, also work on yourselves. It’s not all about money, looks or material things but trust me, there’s something very sexy about a man who is respectful, courteous, selfless, honest, and has a vision. Relationships are like partnerships, both parties have to bring something meaningful to the “table” to make it work.

Stay Strong!

29 Aug 2012

The Grey Spot...

Good day dear friends, trust y'all are doing good?  Today, I'll like us to ponder on a few things that we usually take for granted but are really important...

- Have you ever wondered why your gate man who by the way is quite young (mid 30s) decided  to take up such a job and probably not something else? How he is able to feed his 2 kids, wife and pay his rent from his salary?       
* The next time you are about to complain about how your husband isn't taking care of you because he didn't let you go shopping in Dubai or how your N200,000 salary can't take care of you, wife and one toddler, remember it could have been worse! Count your many blessings....

- Do you remember the day you shouted at your driver because he showed up late for work looking disheveled only to find out later that his child fell ill that morning and he had to rush him to the hospital and still come to take you to work? Think before you act...
* As humans, we all have our own issues. So before we judge, let's take a minute to figure out what the possible options are. When in doubt, listen before you speak...

- Your house help mistakenly breaks a plate whilst washing it, you beat her up  and send her to bed without food; Only for you to find out the next day that when the plate broke, she had a deep cut on her hands and lost a lot of blood. So what's more important, a life or an object? Admonish with understanding...
* It's amazing how quickly we forget that everything we have was given to us. How no condition is permanent and how we are all someone's' child. No human being is better than the other in God's eyes. He loves us all equally

All I'm trying to say is that we all have a story, things are not always what they seem. Life isn't just black or white, there's always a grey spot. That spot everyone tends to ignore but matters a lot. I have learnt a lot happens in the "grey spot" so I have decided to move on with life paying more attention to the things not said, the reason behind the action, the thought behind the gift, the truth behind the lie, the words behind the silence, the tears behind the smile, the life within the grey spot.

I know it's easier said than done but let's make a conscious effort to treat ourselves with respect knowing that every one has a story but not everyone is willing to tell that story. The grass isn't greener on the other side and no problem is bigger than the other. It is our ability or non-ability to handle these problems that determine the level of difficulty. We are all made in HIS likeness and image, so we may look different on the outside but on the inside, we are all the same to HIM.

So before you act, react and speak, remember things aren't always what they seem. Pay attention to the "GREY SPOT"

Stay Strong

27 Aug 2012

The Nigeria of my dreams...

My people, I hail oh! I hope we had a splendid weekend? It's another Monday and the hustle continues for most of us... but God dey sha. :))

Today, I am going to be discussing on a topic that is very dear to all Nigerians irrespective of our beliefs, cultures or tribes. We all know the current situation of the country and how it's been getting worse with each passing day. The newspapers carry headlines that will make even the heartless weep, the government is still playing the blame game, our youths (who by the way ought to be the future of our country) are going haywire, adults are clueless on how to raise their kids, the economy is in disarray, the country as a whole is in total confusion... I could go on and on but I guess we already have a clear picture of what I'm on about. It is indeed very sad and if care is not taken, I'm afraid the worst is yet to come

 I remember as a child how safe and peaceful Nigeria was, how happy I was when I was reminded by my teachers that I was "the future" of my country, how even as a little kid, I looked forward to that day when I could contribute my own quota to the society but now... Our youths are looking for the fastest way out of the country, they will denounce their citizenship at the "drop of a hat", those who are left behind indulge in crimes such as Kidnapping, Robbery, Murder... It has become a country where there is no more value for Human life. We now have terrorism, bombings, assassination... It's amazing how these evils became a part of our society so suddenly. However, there is one thing that hasn't changed since I was a kid; our love for prayers. Nigerians can pray!!!! I mean, if prayer was all that was needed to be done to make our country a better place; that would have happened a long time ago. Unfortunately, it will take much more than prayers to deliver us from our current predicament

 We can all decide to play the blame game but ultimately the truth is, to have the Nigeria of our dreams; we ALL have to work for it. The government alone isn't capable of solving the current problems in the country. After all, the kidnapping and murder of our citizens are carried out by our own citizens. These people aren't ghosts, they are fathers, uncles, neighbors, sisters, friends.... they are Nigerians! The government has its role to play but we also have ours... It is in everyone's interest to restore Nigeria's past glory, if not for us; at least for our children, grand children, nieces, nephews... etc. Sitting around and complaining of how bad the situation is, hasn't solved the problems and I can assure it won't

Let's start from the basics, from the beginning, from our identity, from our pledge;

I pledge to Nigeria my country
To be faithful, loyal and honest
To serve Nigeria with all my strength
To defend her unity
And uphold her honor and glory
So help me God

If we could all just act out what our pledge says, wouldn't more than half of our problems be solved? The other day, I was watching a TV program which showed that most of our citizens do not know how to recite the pledge and this cuts across board (adults and children). I wasn't surprised because if we could recite it and understand what it means and act on it, we won't have some of the problems around today. Some may say that knowing how to recite a pledge doesn't guarantee putting it into practice, I agree. However, how about reciting the pledge every morning after our prayers or before we start work/school? Remember I mentioned that we are a praying country, so let's recite the pledge as often as we pray. Once we've done that often enough, some of the words may get stuck in our memory such that they'll put us in check when we are about to do something evil.

Imagine the Pledge recited at EVERY government meeting, function, gathering... With time, it'll be a reminder to our leaders on how this country should be run. I know this may sound as a "long shot" to some people but what do we have to lose if we try? Let us not be deceived, the problem of Nigeria is every Nigerians' problem. We have no other country to call home, you can acquire other passports/citizenships but that doesn't change the fact that you are a Nigerian. When" push comes to shove", home remains the best place ever. It is wise for us to remember that and start working on repairing what is left of our country.

I bet most of us aren't aware that Nigeria has a motto; I bet some of our leaders don't even know what it is.... How can we act on something that we don't know?

Nigeria's Motto
Peace and Unity, Strength and Progress

So if I were to write an essay of the Nigeria of my dreams, it will be something like this;
 A country that has Peace and Unity, filled with faithful and loyal people ready to serve the country with all their strength... However, the change starts with me...

I have started the change by writing this post, I will continue by reciting my pledge and acting on it, I will sustain it by treating my fellow Nigerian with respect and dignity. At the end of the day we are all Nigerians; Muslim, Christian, Yoruba, Igbo, Hausa,... and no one is better than the other!

Stay Strong!

25 Aug 2012


There are so many things in life that I'm unsure of, but I'm sure of one thing; there is a God! I am also sure that this God is way superior than human beings His ways are not our ways, neither are His thoughts ours How can you explain the fact that we hurt Him severally but for every time we apologize and return to Him, He forgives us wholeheartedly Personally, I can't count the number of times I have wronged Him but He keeps taking me back He keeps me, leads me in the path of righteousness, protects me from the snare of the fowler, provides for me, blesses me, prospers me, loves me unconditionally... Yet I sometimes stray, I act like a child that is homeless or fatherless But when I return to my senses, I run home like the prodigal son and like the loving Father He is, He hugs me, tells me how much He missed me, gives me a clean slate and says, 'My darling daughter, let's start afresh like nothing ever happened' No human is capable of doing such What manner of love is this? I do not take His love for me for granted For when everyone thought I was worth nothing, He saw something in me When everyone wanted something from me, all He did was 'give' me He is the God of all gods, the Lily of the valley, my Redeemer, my ever present help, my Father.... He is my God of several second chances and I love Him with every bit of me! Stay Strong!

New beginnings...

Wow! Two years... It's been two long years and I must confess I've missed blogging. As expected, a whole lot has happened in those years. I have become older, wiser, stronger and... I'll share a few of my experiences as we go on. Today's blog is all about NEW BEGINNINGS! I look at where I am today and remember where I was 2years ago, and all I can say is; I'm not where I want to be but I'm pretty damn close. At least closer than I was years back. I remember when all that mattered to me was to get good enough grades to get into the University. Afterwards, all I wanted was to graduate in flying colors but now I have new goals, new challenges, new aspirations, new beginnings. I have learnt that there is a huge difference between what I "want" and what I "need". That maturity is the ability to let go of the former and be content with the latter. Believe me, it's easier said than done. Life has also taught me how scaling one hurdle doesn't guarantee one's immunity from others. That everyday I wake up, I should be open to learning new things because no day is the same as the last one. I have been constantly reminded that when our lives stop being an inspiration to others, when we don't affect/influence other people's lives positively, when we live like we own our lives, when we go about life with reckless abandon, when all that matters to us is 'us' and no one else,... Then we no longer live but exist. Life is not a 'dress rehearsal', you have only chance to make it what you want it to be. The mistakes we make are the wealth of knowledge we need to make it through life. A man who has gone through life without difficulties, is a man who is yet to know what life is really all about. At the start of this new phase in my life, I have carefully chosen the tools I need and they are; - The Bible ( the only manual there is for a successful life) - My past mistakes (experience and wisdom) - Prayer (how on earth does anyone want to succeed without discussing with the Creator of the Universe?) I believe that when I have the above in place, every other thing will follow and fall into place. New beginnings can happen anytime. If you are not satisfied with the 'status quo' in your life, you can decide to change the situation. New beginnings can happen as often as you want but be careful that in so doing, you are not being unstable. Have a goal for your life, chart out the vision, get the tools that will help you get there and follow it through. No one should live his/her life without purpose, that's a recipe for disaster. My New beginnings start now... How about yours? Stay Strong!